The Team

A Shared Vision of Excellence in Teamwork

David Huer - President/Founder

David Huer has over 20 years of startup bootstrapping experience. He is known for using “First Principles Thinking” to solve intractable problems—ranging from code and law to neuroscience and engineering. Before OrbMB, he created Proximity of Desire - the first change to the fundamentals of real property valuation in millennia. Prior to this, he founded WarriorHealth CombatCare, developing Combat PTSD therapeutics to help all veterans come home safe. His skills were trapped behind a severe stutter until getting the SpeechEasy anti-stuttering earpiece. David prefers to live at the edge to create the competitive edge. David bikes, hikes, and lifts; and longs for investor permission to restart whitewater kayaking and caving.

Duane Nickull - CTO

Duane has had three successful start-ups with exits, including to Adobe Systems (Yellow Dragon in 2003) and Xenos Systems (in 2002). He was the primary author of, “Web 2.0 Architectures” (O’Reilly) and a former Vice-Chair of United Nations CEFACT Working Group. He also contributed to many global standards including the W3C Web Services Architecture and also chaired the OASIS Technical Committee that developed the Service Oriented Architecture Reference Model, a foundational architectural model that enabled the SaaS and Cloud computing revolutions.

Duane Nickull - CTO

Ryan Cross - Data Markets Advisor

An advanced system analyst, Ryan Cross’ experience extends across government, public sector and the private sector. He delivers strategic and tactical assessments for technology accelerator customers, defence teams, and international security and peacekeeping clients. Currently, Ryan is a Senior Research Analyst at Canada's Department of National Defence. He has raised investor capital and grants, accidentally started a game studio, founded and grew an advanced fintech text analytics company and advises businesses and executives on their operations, market position, unique value proposition, and business model fundamentals. When not at his desk, Ryan can be found hiking, mountain trail-running, and XC skiing.

Christian Vogl - Factory Production Advisor

Christian Vogl is a manufacturing operations manager with 25+ years of experience managing production, procurement, auditing and sales support. His expertise extends to Import and Export, and Auditing experience across more than a dozen different countries in a variety of products, and stages in the supply chain. Chartered Manager (C.Mgr.), Certified Six Sigma Green Belt™ (CSSGB™) Certification. Specialties: Training, Supplier and Customer Education in Good manufacturing practices (GMP), Quality Procedures and Process Improvements. When not running an inspection, Christian can be found hiking mountain trails, solo sailing, and sailing as racing crew.

Christian Vogl - Factory Production Advisor

Malcolm Kendall - Reformed VC & Serial Entrepreneur - Advisor

Malcolm Kendall has over 30 years of operational management, entrepreneurial, venture capital investment and leadership experience, the majority of which has been focused on company creation and building value in technology and biotechnology companies. He is co-founder and CEO of Microbiome Insights Inc., a global leader providing end-to-end microbiome sequencing and comprehensive bioinformatics analysis. Prior to this, Malcolm was an investment professional with life science venture capital firms MDS Capital, BioVista Capital and Intersouth Partners. Before entering business, he served as a U.S. Army Infantry and Special Forces officer.